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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - exchange


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~1 n 1 »GIVING/RECEIVING« the act of exchanging one thing for another or doing something to someone at the same time as they do it to you  (an exchange of political prisoners | an honest exchange of information | fair exchange (=an exchange in which the things given and received are of equal value))  (Four of my cassettes for yourMadonna CD is a fair exchange.)  (- see also part­exchange) 2 in exchange if you do or give something in exchange for something else, you do it or give it in order to get that thing  (They have offered to release the hostages, but what do they want in exchange?) + for  (I've offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week's accommodation.) 3 »ARGUMENT« a short conversation, usually between two people who are angry with each other  (a quiet exchange between the judge and the clerk | heated exchange (=a very angry conversation))  (The DJ was fired after a heated exchange on air with a call-in listener.) 4 »MONEY« 5 a) a process in which you change money from one currency to another  (Most capital cities have extensive exchange facilities.) b) the exchange rate 6 »BETWEEN FAMILIES/SCHOOLS« an arrangement in which someone changes their job, home etc with someone else usually for a short period of time, or in which students from different countries visit each other  (I'm only here for one term, I'm on an exchange with Dr Fisher.) 7 »WAR« an event during a war when armies use weapons against each other  (an exchange of fire) 8 corn/wool/cotton etc exchange a large building in a town, that was used in the past for buying and selling corn, wool etc  (- see also labour exchange, stock exchange) 9 »SCIENCE« technical the movement of one substance into the place where another substance was ~2 v 1 to give someone something and receive the same kind of thing from them at the same time  (We still exchange gifts at Christmas. | At the end of the game players traditionally exchange shirts with each other. | exchange addresses/telephone numbers (=give someone your address or telephone number and take theirs))  (Did you exchange phone numbers with the guy that hit you?) 2 to give someone something so that they will give you something that is better, more suitable, or more useful for you  (The store will not exchange goods without a receipt. | exchange sth for)  (Where can I exchange my dollars for pounds?) 3 if two people exchange something, they do something to each other  (exchange looks/glances (=look at each other))  (Sally and I exchange amused glances when we heard this. | exchange greetings/insults (=greet or insult each other) | exchange words (=talk to someone))  (Until this evening I had never so much as exchanged a word with him. | exchange blows (=fight))  (Students exchanged blows with locals, and police were called in.) 4 exchange information/ideas if two people or a group of people exchange information, ideas etc they discuss something  (We envision an artistic community where people are free to exchange ideas.) 5 exchange houses to go and live in someone else's house while they come and live in yours, usually for a holiday  (We exchanged houses with an American family for three weeks.) 6 exchange contracts especially BrE to complete the final stage of buying a house by signing a contract with the person you are buying it from - exchangeable adj
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  (exchanges, exchanging, exchanged) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If two or more people exchange things of a particular kind, they give them to each other at the same time. We exchanged addresses and Christmas cards... He exchanged a quick smile with her then entered the lift. V-RECIP: pl-n V, V n with n • Exchange is also a noun. He ruled out any exchange of prisoners with the militants. ...a frank exchange of views. N-COUNT: oft N of pl-n 2. If you exchange something, you replace it with a different thing, especially something that is better or more satisfactory. ...the chance to sell back or exchange goods... If the car you have leased is clearly unsatisfactory, you can always exchange it for another. VERB: V n, V n for n 3. An exchange is a brief conversation, usually an angry one. (FORMAL) There’ve been some bitter exchanges between the two groups. N-COUNT 4. An exchange of fire, for example, is an incident in which people use guns or missiles against each other. There was an exchange of fire during which the gunman was wounded... N-COUNT: oft N of n 5. An exchange is an arrangement in which people from two different countries visit each other’s country, to strengthen links between them. ...a series of sporting and cultural exchanges with Seoul... I’m going to go on an exchange visit to Paris. N-COUNT: usu adj N 6. The exchange is the same as the telephone exchange. N-COUNT: usu the N 7. see also corn exchange, foreign exchange, stock exchange 8. If you do or give something in exchange for something else, you do it or give it in order to get that thing. It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favors... PHRASE: usu PHR for n, PHR with cl ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English exchaunge, from Anglo-French eschange, from eschanger to ~, from Vulgar Latin *excambiare, from Latin ex- + cambiare to ~ — more at change  Date: 14th century  1. the act of giving or taking one thing in return for another ; trade an ~ of prisoners  2.  a. the act or process of substituting one thing for another  b. reciprocal giving and receiving  3. something offered, given, or received in an ~  4.  a. funds payable currently at a distant point either in a foreign currency or in domestic currency  b.  (1) interchange or conversion of the money of two countries or of current and uncurrent money with allowance for difference in value  (2) ~ rate  (3) the amount of the difference in value between two currencies or between values of a particular currency at two places  c. instruments (as checks or bills of ~) presented in a clearinghouse for settlement  5. a place where things or services are ~d: as  a. an organized market or center for trading in securities or commodities  b. a store or shop specializing in merchandise usually of a particular type  c. a cooperative store or society  d. a central office in which telephone lines are connected to permit communication  II. verb  (~d; exchanging)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to part with, give, or transfer in consideration of something received as an equivalent  b. to have replaced by other merchandise ~d the shirt for one in a larger size  2. to part with for a substitute exchanging future security for immediate pleasure  3. to give and receive reciprocally ~ gifts  intransitive verb  1. to pass or become received in ~  2. to engage in an ~  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 the act or an instance of giving one thing and receiving another in its place. 2 a the giving of money for its equivalent in the money of the same or another country. b the fee or percentage charged for this. 3 the central telephone office of a district, where connections are effected. 4 a place where merchants, bankers, etc. gather to transact business. 5 a an office where certain information is given or a service provided, usu. involving two parties. b an employment office. 6 a system of settling debts between persons (esp. in different countries) without the use of money, by bills of exchange (see BILL(1)). 7 a a short conversation, esp. a disagreement or quarrel. b a sequence of letters between correspondents. 8 Chess the capture of an important piece (esp. a rook) by one player at the loss of a minor piece to the opposing player. 9 (attrib.) forming part of an exchange, e.g. of personnel between institutions (an exchange student). --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by for) give or receive (one thing) in place of another. 2 tr. give and receive as equivalents (e.g. things or people, blows, information, etc.); give one and receive another of. 3 intr. (often foll. by with) make an exchange. Phrases and idioms exchange rate the value of one currency in terms of another. in exchange (often foll. by for) as a thing exchanged (for). Derivatives exchangeable adj. exchangeability n. exchanger n. Etymology: ME f. OF eschangier f. Rmc (as EX-(1), CHANGE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) обмен; передача обменивать(ся) 2) смена, замена заменять 3) перестановка 4) телефонная станция; коммутатор 5) обменное взаимодействие (в квантовой механике) - air exchange - analog exchange - anion exchange - automatic exchange of tools - automatic message exchange - automatic telephone exchange - bogie exchange - branch exchange - called exchange - calling exchange - cathalytic exchange - cation exchange - central exchange - charge exchange - computerized branch exchange - coordinate automatic exchange - counterflow heat exchange - cross-counterflow heat exchange - data exchange - dial exchange - digital exchange - direct exchange - direct-contact heat exchange - electro-membrane ion exchange - electronic exchange - foreign exchange - gun charge exchange - indirect exchange - indirect heat exchange - input-output exchange - international program exchange - interregional bulk power exchange - intersystem power exchange - ion exchange - line link exchange - line exchange - local exchange - main exchange - manual exchange - mass exchange - memory exchange - message exchange - mixed-bed ion exchange - moisture exchange - nodal exchange - oxygen exchange - packet-switching exchange - parent exchange - pollution exchange - private automatic exchange - private automatic branch exchange - private manual branch exchange - radiant heat exchange - rural exchange - satellite exchange - semiautomatic exchange - specific heat exchange - tandem exchange - telegraph exchange - telephone exchange - teletypewrter exchange - teletype exchange - telex exchange - toll exchange - trunk exchange - waste exchange ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  обмен биржа телефонная станция air exchange anion exchange base exchange cation exchange central exchange commodity exchange convective heat exchange employment exchange goods exchange heat exchange ion exchange labor exchange moisture exchange radiant heat exchange recuperative heat exchange stock exchange telephone exchange ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) обмен (данными) 2) телефонная станция, АТС, коммутатор – airport exchange – analog exchange – area exchange – authentication exchange – automated attendant exchange – automatic exchange – automatic message exchange – average-capacity exchange – branch exchange – broadband exchange – central exchange – circuit-switched exchange – common-battery exchange – common-channel exchange – computer-controlled exchange – computerized branch exchange – controlling exchange – crossbar exchange – data exchange – data-switching exchange – decade-step exchange – dial exchange – digital exchange – digital private automatic branch exchange – dynamic data exchange – electric exchange – electronic exchange – end-to-end exchange – industrial exchange – industrial private-branch exchange – input-output exchange – intermediate exchange – international transit exchange – last exchange – line exchange – local exchange – low-capacity exchange – magneto exchange – main exchange – mandatory data exchange – manual exchange – memory exchange – message exchange – packet switching exchange – primary trunk exchange – private branch exchange – quasi-electronic exchange – quaternary trunk exchange – radio exchange – regional exchange – relay exchange – remote computing system exchange – retransmission exchange – satellite exchange – secondary trunk exchange – semielectronic exchange – ship exchange – shuffle exchange – small exchange – step-by-step exchange – subscribing serving exchange – tandem exchange – telegraph exchange – telephone exchange – telex exchange – terminal exchange – tertiary trunk exchange – toll exchange – transit exchange – trunk exchange – TV program exchange – urban exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) биржа биржевой 2) валютный курс 3) замена заменять 4) телефонный коммутатор 5) меняться (чем-л.) 6) обмен обмениваться, меняться (чем-л.) 7) размен денег разменивать 8) центральный телефонный узел - city exchange - commodity exchange - community exchange - electronic switching exchange - gaseous exchange - heat exchange - heat-mass exchange - labor exchange - main exchange - packet-switching exchange - private telephone exchange - single-office exchange - singular edge exchange - step-by-step exchange - stock exchange - time-division exchange - transit exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сущ. 1) общ. обмен, мена; бартер to give to offer, to take in exchange — давать предлагать, брать в обмен to make an exchange — обменять, обменяться in exchange for — в обмен на cultural exchange — культурный обмен exchange of views — обмен мнениями Syn: "barter, interchange 2) а) фин. обмен валют See: exchange risk, "exchange gain, "exchange loss б) фин. = exchange rate в) фин. иностранная валюта Export of goods and services is the major source of foreign exchange. — Экспорт товаров и услуг является основным источником иностранной валюты. Syn: foreign exchange 3) бирж. биржа а) (наиболее развитая форма регулярно функционирующего рынка для заключения сделок и осуществления спекулятивных операций, основанных на законе спроса и предложения, и извлечения прибыли за счет курсовой разницы) б) (некоммерческая организация с правами юридического лица, формирующая оптовый рынок путем регулирования биржевой торговли в форме гласных публичных торгов; осуществляет посреднические услуги по заключению торговых сделок, по которым получает соответствующие комиссионные) в) (здание, в котором проходят биржевые торги) See: stock exchange, mercantile exchange, "employment exchange 4) соц. обмен (любое социальное взаимодействие, из которого субъекты извлекают обоюдную пользу) Syn: interchange 5) связь...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  обмен; обменивать – air exchange – capillary exchange – cation exchange – countercurrent heat exchange – cross-strand exchange – energy exchange – gas exchange – half-time exchange – heat exchange – hydrogen exchange – intermolecular exchange – ion exchange – isotopic exchange – one-hit exchange – oxygen exchange – respiratory exchange – SH - S-S exchange – transcapillary exchange – two-hit exchange – water exchange ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. обмен, мена cultural exchanges —- культурный обмен heat exchange —- физ. теплообмен in exchange for —- в обмен на exchange of goods (commodities), commodity exchanges —- товарообмен medium of exchange —- средство обмена exchange of civilities —- обмен любезностями, светская беседа exchange of views —- обмен мнениями exchange of prisoners —- воен. обмен военнопленными exchange of instruments of ratification —- обмен ратификационными грамотами exchange of fire —- воен. артиллерийская перестрелка to give in exchange —- давать в обмен to make an exchange —- обменять; обменяться to have an exchange of confidence —- делиться секретами 2. фин. размен (денег) 3. замена, смена the exchange of tears for smiles —- слезы сменились улыбками 4. (библиотечный) обмен 5. иностранная валюта (также foreign exchange); переводный вексель, тратта (также bill of exchange) exchange loss —- потеря валюты, сокращение валютных резервов; потеря на разнице валютных курсов exchange permit —- валютное разрешение; разрешение на перевод валюты exchange restrictions —- валютные ограничения; ограничения в переводе иностранной валюты exchange transactions —- валютные операции, операции в валюте arbitration of exchange —- валютный арбитраж par of exchange —- валютный паритет piece of foreign exchange —- девиза 6. курс (иностранной валюты) exchange is falling —- курс падает exchange of the day —- курс дня exchange...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  of prisoners обмен военнопленными EXCHANGE  1. noun  1) обмен; мена - in exchange for - cultural exchange - exchange of prisoners  2) fin. размен денег - rate of exchange - course of exchange - foreign exchange - bill of exchange  3) биржа - commodity exchange - grain exchange - corn exchange - labour exchange  4) центральная телефонная станция; коммутатор  5) attr. меновой Syn: see barter  2. v.  1) обменивать (for) Id like to exchange this dress for one in a larger size.  2) разменивать (деньги)  3) меняться to exchange seats - поменяться местами to exchange words with smb. - обменяться с кем-л. несколькими словами to exchange ratifications - обменяться ратификационными грамотами to exchange into another regiment - перевестись в другой полк путем встречного обмена Syn: see barter ...
Англо-русский словарь


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